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The Science Behind Sound Healing - Research, Books, and Peer-Reviewed Papers

A girl's energy and chakras harmonise whilst listening to sound

Did you know that listening to certain frequencies can reduce anxiety by up to 26%? Welcome to the fascinating world of sound healing, and this blog post aims to compile a summary of some of the scientific studies & papers that exist that demonstrate the health benefits of various forms of sound healing.

You'll find these resources grouped by instrument or subject area for easy navigation, and at the very bottom you'll also find a summary of health benefits taken from the research.

Please note, this blog is a work in progress. There are still some gaps, but it's a start and it's my intention is to update it regularly for the benefit of all. If you'd like to suggest an addition, or have research of your own, please email me:


Sound Healing (general)

  • "One hour of sound healing reduces tension, anger, tiredness, depression". Read.

  • Sound & music can alter DNA, stimulate neuroplasticity, and aid recovery from neurological conditions. Read.

  • "Sound healing reduces stress, enhances relaxation, and promotes peace". Source: The Healing Power of Sound book by Dr Mitchell Gaynor M.D.

  • Sound healing has a positive effect on mood & tension. Read.

  • The nerves in our body were primarily designed to conduct & receive sound. Therefore, sound healing has a profound effect on the human body. Read.

Metal Singing Bowls

  • Reduces heart rate & blood pressure. Read.

  • Reduces stress, improves brain function, and induces a meditative state. Read.

  • Reduces anxiety. Read.

  • Reduces tension, anxiety, and depression while promoting spiritual well-being. Read.

  • Improves cognitive function in cancer patients. Read.

The Voice (Includes humming, vocal toning, mantra)

  • Chanting OM & vocal toning helps to release blocked energy and restore balance. Source:  The Healing Power of Sound book by Dr Mitchell Gaynor M.D & Jonathan Goldman - The Humming Effect.

  • Chanting OM activates the relaxation response, promote relaxation & calmness. Read.

  • Chanting and toning practices are associated with a higher quality of life. Read.

  • Humming, boosts immunity and improves respiratory health due to the release of Nitric Oxide. Jonathan Goldman, renowned sound healer, writes about this in his book 'The Humming Effect'. The link to the peer-reviewed study that started it all for them can be read here.

  • Group singing lowers depression, loneliness and enhances connection. Read.  

  • Group singing improves COPD and respiratory health, because it enhances lung function. Read.

  • Singing combats COPD. Read article on Complementary Medical Association.

Sound Massage

  • Sound Massage via the Monochord improves mood & relaxation in patients with psychosomatic disorders. Read.

  • Music, with vibration for 30 minutes or more, lowers pain symptoms in those with rheumatoid arthritis. Read.

  • Vibroacoustic therapy is effective for relaxation, anxiety reduction, muscle tension reduction, and pain management, with some reporting a reduction in pain of 53%. Read.


  • The drum is hugely healing for the body and increases oxygen absorption & binding rate, which accelerates healing. Watch.

  • Royal College of Music finds that group drumming helps mental health. Read.

  • Drumming boosts immunity. Read

  • Group drumming can boost improve mood and mental health. Read.

  • Group drumming decreases depression, boosts immunity & resilience. Read.


  • Gongs are healing/relaxing. Read.


If you are short on time in reading these articles, the summary of health benefits as found in these studies, are as follows:

  • Reduces stress, anxiety & depression

  • Boosts mood, connection, and a sense of peace

  • Relieves pain and helps with chronic pain conditions

  • Lowers anger, heart rate, and blood pressure

  • Improves circulation, energy and blood flow 

  • Improves sleep quality

  • Improves digestion

  • Removes blockages & toxins stuck within the body, helping it to function better

  • Improves respiratory health and symptoms of respiratory conditions

  • Improves spiritual health

Please note this post is not medical advice and is not a prescription for any condition or ailment that you may have, or a prescription on how you should live your life or make decisions. I share these links, thoughts and experiences out of the joy of sharing knowledge to potentially help other sound therapists in my position, or others on a similar journey. I always encourage you to do your own research and to consult advice from your GP.

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